Thursday, July 9, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys

Today was such a chaotic day. First of all, last night I could not sleep so I think I got maybe 4 hours of sleep. So, that of course did not start my day off very well.

Apparently Kaden resents the time that I spend feeding and caring for Halle. While feeding her, he went into the bathroom and played in the toilet with the toilet paper and there were globs of wet toilet paper and water all over the bathroom floor. This isn't the first time he has done this. If I find it while it is wet, it is relatively easy to clean up, if not...the clean up is not so easy.

Later Jax comes to me to tell me that Kaden was playing in the bathroom. He did the same thing this time, but it was not only on the floor, but on the wall and ceiling as well. I think he might of had a bit of help from his brother. Here are a couple of pictures to show what it looked like.

A little later Kaden comes to me wet. He is in just a diaper and his chest and face is wet. He was trying to tell me something, but I can't always decode so I told him to show me. He takes me to Jax who is hiding with carpet cleaner. As I got closer to Jax I could smell the cleaning liquid. He had sprayed it in K's eyes so I was a bit worried.

So I put Kaden in the shower to get the water to run in his eyes in case there was anything in them and to wash the toilet water off of his body.

Just another day in the Callaway house. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That WAS kind of weird... I that reminds me of the old days when Jax called me: "Bubba."

ANYWAYS, "Boys WILL Be Boys!!!" LOL

~Connor Callaway~