Saturday, July 23, 2011

Swimming, Swimming, and More Swimming

My kids are seriously fish. There is question about that! They would swim all day, every day if I let them! So for about a week and a half all we did was swim. We swam in about 3 different friends' pools. We were sooooo tired, but we had so much fun it didn't matter. Here are a few videos of the kids swimming!

My sweet 4 year is fearless. He had no problem, actually he loved jumping off the diving board. He would come to the surface and I would just say, "Head in and swim", and he would do it!

Halle is doesn't really get that she is 2 and not able to do every single thing the boys do. She thinks she can swim. She actually does pretty well without her floaties on. She will jump off the diving board with her floaties on and swim to the side of the pool!

Jax has been doing so well this summer. He never wears his floaties and he can swim all the way to the bottom of the deep end of the pool and back up. He is really becoming a great swimmer!

I feel bad. I never got a video of Connor swimming. He is a great swimmer and has been for a couple of years now. We hope to get many more fun-filled days of swimming in before school starts and we have to go back to our "real world".

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