So, I go get Halle and she says that she is hungry and seems fine. I figured if I feed her and she doesn't throw up and feels fine, that maybe something she ate just didn't agree with her. She eats chicken nuggets (lunch of champions) and dances around the house for the next 2 hours. I deem her healthy and we are off to the V Day parties.
Our first stop was Jax's party. His little face lit up when he saw us. He LOVES his little sister and it was extra special that she was able to come! Halle ate a cookie and a cupcake at this party.
We went to Four Winds that night with Blake and Jaime and had a great night.
The next day Halle developed a fever and had diarrhea. She really just slept all day and was fine Sunday.
Monday morning about 4:30 am Jaxson woke me up and told me that his tummy didn't feel good. This wasn't unusual, so I told him to get a blanket and pillow and lay on my floor. A few minutes later he was in the bathroom throwing up. He threw up 3 times before I left for work. Brock decided to stay home because he was still awake and hadn't slept at all.
About 10:30 I get a text from Brock saying that he isn't feeling so well and thinks he is getting it too.
About 11, I got a call from Stonebrook that Kaden had thrown up. Apparently, he threw up at lunch all over the table. Oops! He was so bad that they had to give him a shower. So, Brock went and picked him up. Jaxson actually didn't throw up again, but Kaden threw up over and over.
Kaden threw up every 30 minutes to an hour for a full 24 hours. Poor baby!!!
Monday after school, I went to get soup and 7Up. We decided that Brock, Kaden, and Jax would stay in my room so that we could try to keep them away from Connor, Halle, and me as much as possible. I took Halle with me to take Connor to basketball practice. I figured it was best to keep the healthy people away from the germs as much as possible.
When I got home, Brock was feeling pretty bad and slept most of the time. Kaden threw up over and over and Jaxson was running a 102.2 fever. So, I slept on the couch!
Kaden continued throwing up through the night every 30 minutes. Brock even had to give him a bath at 2. He said that Kaden just laid there like a zombie.
On Tuesday, Jax was feeling much better. He no longer had a fever, but slept pretty much all day. Kaden stopped throwing up around 10. When I got home, they all seemed to be feeling better. Brock definitely seemed better. Kaden hadn't thrown up in hours but he wouldn't eat. He had a fever and then he fell asleep. Jaxson felt much better but had a little bit of a fever. So, I decided that I would stay home on Wednesday with Jax and Kaden.
It is now about 11 on Wednesday. Jax has diarrhea, so I'm glad I didn't send him to school today. Other than that, he seems fine and is playing XBox. Kaden still doesn't feel good. He won't eat and he's sleeping. So at this point he hasn't eaten in 48 hours. He sure still looks cute!
We didn't go to Parent's Night Out on Saturday and stayed home from church on Sunday. By Monday, we were all better and back to life as usual.