Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day 2011

My kids are going to start think that it always snows in February! It never snows in Texas. I can only remember a few times that we really got any real snow. We do tend to get ice once or twice a year, but actual snow doesn't happen often. The first real snow I remember in Texas was about 8 years ago on Valentines Day. I remember it because it was the first year we were in our house and we got Simba (our dog) that day. I remember watching him jump around in the backyard in all the snow. That was the first real snow I had seen while in Texas. Then, last year we got a really good snow. It lasted for several days.

This week we have been out of school for 4 days. Crazy! That never happens here in Texas. At first it was for ice and then last night we received about 5 1/2 inches of snow. The snow is much prettier to look at than the ice.

It is great and all, but we are getting some serious cabin fever. We went out today and played for a little while, but since we just got back from Colorado and alot of is not that big of a deal and we are true Texans. It is too cold out there for us!

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