Saturday, August 16, 2008

End of Summer Update

At the beginning of the summer, I listed several things that I wanted to accomplish before the end of the summer. Let's see how I did.....

1.) Catch up on scrapbooking
- Well, I did spend a whole weekend with good friends working on my many books and then another Friday night...but no I am not caught up...I need to do much more to be caught up.

2.) Thoroughly clean my house
- Well, I did but since then my sweet little tornadoes have again destroyed it.

3.) Organize closets and drawers
-Some I have, but not all

4.) Potty train Jax

5.) Lose weight
-Well, I started, but as most of you know, instead of losing, I will be gaining....again....

I hate that I am starting school next week and leaving my babies during the day, but I do love my job! I work at a great school with wonderful teachers! I can't wait to see which wonderful teacher Connor gets next year!!!

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