Saturday, June 11, 2011

The First Week of Summer

We have had a good first week of summer with just the right mix of fun and rest. I have wanted to lose weight for what feels like my whole life, but at least the last 10 years. I have been running (very slowly) every other day (that's my intention ;) any way) for a little while, but it isn't working. SO, I have decided to torture myself to make it happen. I have committed to getting up at 5:00 am three days a week to run the Hwy 66 bridge at 5:30 with some friends from school. It is 4 miles total and to say the least,, doing what is easy isn't working, so I am going to have to do what is not easy to reach my goal. I did it without fail this week and I also followed my calorie intake goal as well. I told some of the girls that I was giving this a few days and if I didn't see the weight dropping off that I was jumping ship and I was going to be real good at being fat. Well, I am down 4 pounds, so I will give it another week.

On Monday, we didn't do much of anything. The kids had a good time playing in the backyard on their "waterslide". We put a plastic pool underneath their slide and the kids have had a blast!

On Tuesday, we decided to go to the dollar theater (it isn't actually a $1, it is more like $1.75, but the $1.75 theater doesn't really have the same ring to it) to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Unfortunately, not only was it sold out, but so was Hop, Rango, and Gnomeo & Juliet. The only movie that we could see within the hour was Mars Needs Moms. We didn't really want to see that but we had 6 excited kids and there was no way we were getting out of there without seeing a movie.

The movie we were supposed to see started at 12:10 and our movie didn't start until 1:00. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is when there are only 2 adults and 6 kids under the age of 10.

We weren't too excited about seeing it, but it was pretty good! We were impressed! It had a good moral.

On Wednesday, we went to my parent's house to swim for the first time to swim. We had a good time, but the water was a bit cold. The kids had a great time! We went to church and then the Barineau girls spent the night.

On Thursday, the kids got up and I made everyone pancakes. They ate breakfast and then they went out to play with Jax's waterguns and the "waterslide". After the girls left, we just hung out for the rest of the day!

On Friday, I spent most of the afternoon preparing for the "Piggin Out Picnic for Hannah". Hannah is a little girl that is in my rotation that was recently diagnosed with Cancer. The city was hosting a "Family Fun Night" at our school with a bounce house, sno cones, and a movie. We added the benefit dinner to it. We had so many community members and businesses donate the food and supplies to this great cause! We raised alot of money for a sweet family and had a lot of fun doing it!

On Saturday, we didn't do much. Again the kids played outside and I shopped for our vacation next week to Galveston.

The one big project that I got accomplished this week was cleaning out the panty! I hope to complete several projects around the house that need to be done this least one a week.

Tomorrow, Connor and Jax are going with Brock and some friends to the Mavs watching party at the AAC. This could be THE game that wins it all.

On Monday, we are off to Galveston! We can't wait!!!


Tessa said...

I am so proud of you and your dedication to waking early and running. I'm rooting for you! I know you can do it. Anytime you need encouragement call me :)

Schauna said...

Thanks girl! I'm gonna need it on Wednesday when I have to get up to run on the beach!