Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Halle - 5 Weeks

Halle turned 5 weeks old yesterday! I have figured out that the only good thing about having a c-section is that it gives me to extra weeks off before I have to go back to work. I really don't want to go back, but at least I only have 3 weeks before summer break when I do get back.

Miss Halle is still wonderful. She is sleeping great. She sleeps for 4-6 hours before waking at night. Even when she wakes up to eat, she eats and goes right back to sleep. She never spits up either, but the girl can eat. She is taking up to 6 ounces at some feedings! I think that is a little much, but oh well.

I don't know how much she weighs or how long she is at this point, but she seems to have grown in length quite a bit. She seems really long to me. She is finally fitting in 0-3 month clothing! YEA! She still doesn't fit in the pretty dresses I want her to, but it will come.

I am so blessed and lucky to have this little girl! God is good!


Moore Memories said...

What a sweet girl! You will love your time with her this summer. She will be at a wonderful age!

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

She`s my sister.