Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Every 4th of July, we go to Brock's parent's house for a cook-out and fireworks. We always have a really good time. PawPaw and MawMaw were there as well. We don't get to see them as much as we would like to we were happy to have them there. We ate burgers and then waited for dark so that we could start popping firecrackers.

The boys got to take the fireworks from Papa to Brock to light them, so they were very happy to help. Kaden didn't like the loud noise so he stayed inside with me and Halle. I was very tired so I was happy to lay on the floor and play with Halle. Kaden wanted to be outside so bad, but he was just too scared. He would get off the couch and start to go outside and then he would hear the loud boom and run back and sit down!

The boys stayed the night with Papa and Nana and we took Halle home with us.

We watched the Rockwall Fireworks on Saturday from the church building. We have a perfect, noncrowded view of the show from behind the church.

Here are some pics from the night:

There was a game set up where you try to shoot a basket and if you got it, you would be sprayed with water...something tells me that my boys' skills aren't this developed yet....

Miss Halle sent most of the night with Miss Heather.

And Kaden spent the whole night going up and down the slide with his good pal, Macie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your bolg looks super cute!!! Great job!