Monday, June 15, 2009

The First Week of Summer and Swimming Lessons

I am a bit sad that we are one week down because I know that the summer goes by so fast. Usually it is over and I wonder where all the time went. I am hoping to be able to keep up with my blog this summer. We'll see how that goes.

First let me add a picture of Halle from Sunday. I caught her first smile on camera. She is so beautiful.

Connor and Jaxson had swimming lessons this week with Laura Wade. She is wonderful. This was their second time to take lessons with Mrs. Laura.

Jaxson went first each day. Jaxson had lessons with his good friends Camryn and Maddie. They all did great. Jaxson is not afraid of the water at all or putting his head under, but during lessons he didn't always want to do it. The last two days we had to talk him into jumping in, but normally he loves to jump in and go underwater.

Connor got to take lessons with his good friend Caroline and two friends from church, Austin and Justin. He already knew how to swim from last year's lessons but this year they were working on developing his strokes and diving off the diving board. He did really well!

The challenge of the week was to keep Kaden and Halle happy for the hour we were there. Halle slept a lot of the time and they had plenty of toys for Kaden to play with. Here is a pic of Halle in her shades.

Also, I put Halle in a super cute outfit for church Wednesday night. Brock said she looked like a clown, so Jaxson started calling her clown girl. I thought she looked adorable and so did everyone at church. This is just another reason why Brock has no authority on Halle's clothing!

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