Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The End of School

The last week of school was crazy. I ended up leaving school the Friday before with a horrible gall bladder attack. Thankfully Brock was at the school watching Connor's Dad Day program. Which was wonderful by the way! Anyways, he took me to the hospital and they ended up admitting me and taking out my gall bladder Saturday morning. I went home on Saturday evening. I had every intention of going to school Monday morning, but my friends and school took care of me and I stayed home Monday to give me a little extra time to recover. They tried to keep me home on Tuesday, but I went any way. So I was not a 100% but I got through the week. I am so happy because this is the first year that I do not have to move my classroom!

Connor finished his 1st grade year. He had an amazing year and a wonderful teacher. I can only hope that he continues to have great teachers. He has been blessed the last two years! Here is a picture of Connor and his teacher, Mrs. Basel receiving his awards.

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