Sunday, June 21, 2009

Is it possible to know less with each child??? It is so funny, when talking with friends, most of the time they expect me to know more because I have 4 kids. Some how it is completely opposite. I feel like I know less.

With Connor, he was sleeping in his bed, in his room on the first night home from the hospital. Jaxson slept in a cradle next to me on the couch. I was on the couch because I was so sore from the c-section that I couldn't get up into my bed. With Kaden, he slept in my arms on the couch for weeks! I had this irrational fear that if I feel asleep and was not holding him that he would die. After several weeks of that, he slept in the cradle next to me. He stayed in the cradle until he was much to big for it. I don't think that he went into his crib until he was 6 months old. With Halle, I had those same fears, just worse. I go to her room and look at all of her beautiful clothes and I have this overwhelming fear that I won't get to see her wear them. I know that it stems from me wanting a little girl so bad for so long and not thinking that I was going to get one. Anyways, she has slept in the bed with Brock and I since right before I went back to work. Last night Brock made me put her in her cradle. I had a really hard time with it though. I will try to keep doing it. I know it is best for all of us. That is the thing, I know that and have always known that. My mom always said not to let kids sleep in your bed. It's just funny to me because usually it would be the the 4th kid you just throw them in the bed on the first night, right?

Anyways, I think it is funny because I feel like a first time mom these days, maybe it is just because she is a girl. I am really trying to go by the book this time. Doctors say not to give them cereal or food for the 1st 4-6 months. With the boys, they had it really early. I have not started it with Halle and she is 13 weeks old. I tried it once, but it didn't go over well. Doctors also say back to sleep. None of the boys slept on their back, they always slept on their tummies. Halle is always on her back. Again, it seems like you would go by the book on the 1st babies and running your own show on the 4th, right?

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